Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can an American Bulldgog be left outside in cold weather?

They have no doghouse and have even been left out in the rain. They are outside until at least midnight. The State is Michigan.
Sounds pretty cruel to me
No take that poor baby in the house!!

Too you want to stay outside??
I know that Michigan has an SPCA, why not call them and find out what they'd say and do if they saw the dog outside in the cold with no dog house.
No, I live in Alaska and that is a big fat No. No dog should be left out in extremes either way, besides, he's a family member and should be in the house. Maybe your neighbors just don't want to deal with him. They can be a bit destructive if not trained properly.
No and you need to call the ASPCA or animal control or whatever you have in your state.
No. Not with out shelter. There dog needs a dog house and preferably something covering the door to block the wind. They could also put some hay in the dog house too to add to installation.

American bulldogs are short haired and do not have a lot of fat to keep them warm. not providing adequate shelter is very cruel.
i imagine he might get cold.. :)
do you leave him out all night long?
i mean for awhile sure but not all night
They do okay with shelter and food and water, but without the basic needs it is animal cruelty. Report them.
It is a misdemeanor. Check out this website. The owner could be jailed for 93 days, or fined $1,000 or Community Service for 200 days, etc. You should file an anonymous complaint on these people!
I assume this is a neighbors dog.? I hope, because this situation is very cruel to any dog, let alone a thin-coated breed. The dog has to have some sort of protection, in the form of a doghouse preferably..With blankets or straw to insulate it. Of course, I would never have a dog outside in general..but that's just my opinion. Please call your local ASPCA or Animal Control and get help for this animal!
This is animal cruelty and should be reported right now, if you are doing this STOP IT NOW! If it is someone else then
This breed sis short haired and should not be left outside.
They must have some sort of shelter and food and water.
I would be calling the ASPCA to report this abuse.
Hell yes, look at Mike Gansey, he is a true bulldog and is a machine.
I know Mike Gansey, and he is no bulldog. His b!tch azz would freeze to death, just like that punk Pittsnogle. Calling Gansey a bulldog is offensive to bulldogs everywhere.
They need shelter, but are farm working dogs from all sorts of weather. I would be very upset if my neighbor didnt have a dog house for an outside dog.thats just mean!
You know these dogs can have breathing problems and I can't imagine extreme heat or cold would be good for it.
Absolutely NOT! If it is not your dog then report them to the humane society. All dogs should have access to clean dry shelter, but most importantly if it is cold AND wet then you have a problem, they could actually die. Get these idiots reported. If they are your dogs then hand them into a shelter where they can be cared for properly.
NO NO NO. Dogs should not be left outside like that! If they are your neighbors, call whatever animal service can help or tell them nicely if they do not or cannot care for the dogs, you will help them find the dogs a great home. When outside, they have to have shelter, clean water. If there is snow, they should not be left outside --- they can die. How cruel.

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