Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can a dog catch the mange, by walking around where the once contaminated dog was?

Someone put a dog with the mange in my backyard. I had the dog removed but now I'm afraid to let my dogs out. I don't want to take the chance of them catching it also. Is there something I can spray or dust my yard with to prevent any chance of my dogs catching it or something I can give my dogs as a precaution. I have a shar pei and a chihuahua. Both dogs stay indoors and until the back yard is safe their outdoor time is very limited and on leash.
If the dog had demodex..then no. That's a hereditary 'mange.' It's not contagious at all. (Your dogs already have a few of those mites on them.all dogs do. It's a genetic defect passed on through inappropriate breeding that allows them to propagate and cause skin disease.)

If the dog had scabies (sarcoptic mange)..then YES, other dogs can indeed pick it up out of the environment, although that's not as common as direct contact. Revolution is quite effective at treating/preventing it. It's a prescription product available from your DVM. Your dogs must be current on their annual heartworm tests before it can be dispensed. We used to have a good yard spray/powder available, but it was taken off the market.

Did you get it confirmed that it was one or the other type of 'mange'? The reason I ask is that many times dogs have severe allergies, seborrhea, etc. that people are convinced is the 'mange'..when it's not at all. Ringworm (a skin fungus) can also appear to look like 'mange'.and it's contagious to other animals as well (to humans, too.)

If you have any other questions, you really should call your own veterinarian and discuss the situation. Knowing your dogs, he/she is in the best position to advise you.

Glad to hear that they're indoor dogs, and that you've taken steps to make sure that their outdoor time is safe. :-)

Please NOTE: The ONLY heartworm preventative (in the U.S.) that also treats scabies is Revolution. Heartguard, Interceptor, and Sentinel do not. Neither do the other monthly flea medications (Advantage, Advantix, Frontline.) The active *ingredient* in Heartguard does actually treat scabies.but only at a dose of 100 times the dose in the heartworm preventative package. I sure wish people would only post about things they KNOW, rather than spreading false information. *sigh*
no, there are two types of "mange". Demodex mange is a mite that is commonly found on animals skin, but only becomes a problem when overgrown, it is not contagious. Scabies is a contagious skin mite, but needs direct contact.
I would ask you Vet about more details on mange. its a nasty little thing and can make your animals be in pain. Just ask the Vet!
I think your dogs will be fine. If they were all sleeping together on something, like a blanket, I would be worried. Hanging out in a yard together, they are more than likely okay. If you treat your dogs with Advantage or Frontline plus, they are probably never going to get it. You did the right thing by having the infected dog removed.

Good Luck and Take Care
dont worry your dog wont get manges unless they are in dirct contact with the dog who had mange but just to be safe get EVERYTHING in your yard toys, lawn chairs, whatever and wsh them and sparay then wth pestiside or bug spray and adfrter two days rinse the objects so the dogs wonyt lick the pestiside and cut the grass throw it away and buy diatomous earth. You can find it at a garden suppuly store. Don't use the one for pools, it has other chemicals in it.

You just spinkle it on the ground. It works by shredding the shell of the flea. It works for ants etc too. It will kill any fleas that are in your yard. Try loooking in home depo tooo. Well hope I helped.
To answer your question, no a dog cannot catch mange from the ground, only with direct contact with another dog. I am so disappointed to see that you keep a tiny Chihuahua outside. A Chihuahua should always be an inside dog. Do you plan on it staying outside during the winter months? That is animal cruelty.
Yes and no. The Sarcoptic Mange Mite CAN live off of it's host for up to a week, but it's unlikely. Most die within 36 hours however the cooler the environment, the more pleasing it is to their survival. Are your dogs on any kind of monthly preventative for heartworm? Most of the preventatives have an ingredient in it used to treat mange as well. So you should be okay with everything. You can spray your yard with any of the mentioned "stuff" or use a 1:30 bleach solution. This will kill your grass but it's much cheaper than mange treatment.
I do not believe so /not from walking maybe if they were sleeping in the same house I think you are safe.

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