Thursday, July 30, 2009

Boston terrier males?are there any boy bostons with papers ready to mate?

I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but please think long and hard before bringing more dogs into the world. Bostons are notoriously difficult to birth and often require C-section, expensive vet bills or the tragedy of death during birth! Unless they are carefully bred, Bostons can have lots of health problems and it's just not fair to bring unhealthy dogs into the world. There are many many Bostons in rescue if you want another dog. If you want to experience "the miracle of birth", make friends with a breeder and visit during the pregnancy. There are so many better options than breeding yourself. You are responsible now for one dog, do you want to be responsible for all the offspring, and their future offspring, and their future offspring, forever and ever? Don't mean to squash your dreams but just trying to put some realistic concerns on the table.

Best wishes, I hope you find what you want.
Let's not breed unless we have a champion female.
Are you aware of all the genetic health problems that this breed is suffering from?!?!? Unless your female has been tested and received good scores for her eyes (CERF), ears (BAER), and patella (OFA patella) then you shouldn't even be THINKING about breeding her to another male (who should ALSO have received suitable results on the tests). And health testing is only the beginning. You should only breed to improve the breed. Not just because your dog is smart/cute/loving. The millions of dogs loosing their life yearly in animal shelters are smart, cute, and loving as well. But they still die because of irresponsible breeding. If your not part of the solution then you are part of the PROBLEM!
Dont breed we dont need an over population .. dont be a byb
IM or email me. Need location

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