Friday, May 21, 2010

Can cancerous tumors in mice , be contagious to other pets ?

Cause when the mice where sick and died from cancerous tumors , my boxer dog ,also died with the same of cancerous tumors?
Cancer is the name given to a group of diseases which basically involve the uncontrolled and malignant growth and multiplication of cells within the victim.

Cancer is not in itself contagious like diseases such as measles or AIDS because it requires a mutation to occur within the cells of the body in order to start the cancer. The only way cancer spreads is usually within a body where cancerous cells "escape" into the blood stream and lodge elsewhere in the body causing secondary growths.

The spread between different animals would be limited to instances where cancerous tissue from one animal became implanted in another. Such intances would be almost impossible except under laboratory conditions where, for example, animals are deliberately given cancer in order to test anti-cancer treatments.

If you have suffered several losses to similar cancers with your pets then you should investigate possible causes:-
* If the mice were all related then there may be an inherited tendency to develop the disease.
* however, as your dog also contracted cancer then you should be concerned that there is some external cause, such as a carcinogenic toxin in their food or water, the close proximity of a chemical plant to your house, the use of some powerful insecticides by nearby farmers, etc. Overhead power cables or nearby mobile phone transmitter masts have also been linked to cancers.

You should perhaps enquire if your neighbour's pets have suffered in a similar way (and indeed if any humans have also suffered!) as it may be that there is some factor locally that threatens not only your pets but yourself as well.

Were the tumours examined by an expert and verified as cancerous? If not, there are several other likely causes for "growths" which may ressemble tumours, such as an attack by parasites or bugs of some sort, allergic reaction to something in their environment or a dietary defficiency. As the "growths" were on the skin, it seems more likely that some other disease is being spread between your pets and I would advise that if you have any more that develop similar symptoms they should be examined by a vet. In the meantime you should disinfect all cages, blankets etc that the diseased animals were in contact with.
No,in the same way that you can't 'catch' cancer from another person.That's weird though,an odd coincidence.
no. might be the same environment that got them..water or some such.
Every one know it is!Stupid
no tumors are not contagious they grow from within the body you probably had a coincidence with your two animals
Not as a general rule, Tumors are generally specific and self contained to the pet involved. It is very unlikely that this had anything to do with the death of your beloved pet. I am so sorry, and please go to for some comfort in your loss. God Bless you!!
I am really sorry to hear about the loss of your pets. We have a boxer also. Cancer is not a contagious disease. It was probably coincidence. Boxers are susceptible to all kinds of disorders.
no cancer isn't contagious and niether are tumors
I know some older dog will get what they call fatty tumors and it looks nasty with lumps all over there body. It is not cancer though. If both animals had cancer and it was the same kind I would start to worry about what is going on around you. Is the earth contaminated where you live. Had there been a factory near by and they disposed toxins.

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