Monday, May 24, 2010

Can dogs eat pieces of pumpkin?

When I was carving a pumpkin, I dropped a couple little tiny pieces and he ate them. Is that okay?
A little is fine and won't hurt.

Here's a good link with foods that your dog should never eat.
yes, it won't hurt him.
Yes they can and it also helps if your dog likes to eat it's fices.
Gosh, I hope it's puppy got hold of the pumpkins top tonite .maybe the worse that could happen is a little diarrhea if the puppy ate alot. Good luck :)
its okay, probably better that dogfood.
i think so
Pumpkin settles a dog's stomach. It is used by alot of pet owners for diarrhea and loose stools.
yes it is ok for them to eat. the pumpkin helps their poop firm up and is good for them. i breed golden retrievers and i give my goldens pumpkin in their food, plus dogs like it because it is sweet to eat. so don't worry about it, it will be ok.
My dog loves pumpkin we feed him all kinds of vegetables i havent noticed anything diferent about him.

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