Monday, May 24, 2010

can dogs look up?

I don't see why not. My dog looks up in the sky when a plane flies over or she looks up to watch birds flying.
Yes, in spite of anything you may have seen in Shaun of the Dead.
If they roll on their backs they could.
Yes mine watch airplanes at night.
Would have to say I've never noticed,but don't think they can without lifting their heads to do so.
do you have a bran?
if you do do you ever use it?
The can look up, down, side to side.LOL's
yes they can. My pug even watches TV
OF COURSE!! Iv'e had so many dogs, I currently have 1 dog and all of dogs look up at a person. If they couldn't see a person they wouldn't look up. Did you know that a horse cant see infront of them?? only on the sides?? they can't see infront of them only unless they put theyr'e head down cause theyr'e eyes are on the sides.
Not even my dog is that STUPID!
yes dogs can look up
Yes my dog chases animals up my acorn tree and stares and barks at them all night.It's funny sometimes. dog runs to the ground floor and looks up to me in the second floor balcony

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