Monday, May 24, 2010

can dogs take claritin for bad allergies?

No, dogs cannot take Claritin. They can take Benadryl, I give 1/2 tablet for a small dog, 1 tablet for a large dog.
Your vet will perscribe the proper medication. Don't self-medicate the dog, when you don't know what you're doing. Anyway, the human dose is way too much for a dog.
Dogs can not process human food or medications the way we do. You have to get special allergy pills from the vet. My dog is on some for her allergies.
Ask your vet. An animal should never take any people medicine without a vet's approval.
Unsure of Claritin, but depending on the size a dog can take benedryl.(2) tablets for a large dog about 100 lbs or more.
yea i give my dog half a pill everyday.i have a small dog though so a big dog like a lab etc can have a full one.i have prescription stuff from the vet though so i dont know about human stuff
No, that is a medicine made for people and is not healthy for dog consumption. The dog will puff up and the allergies will only get worse. I am a vet and I have seen a case like it before.
NO! The Vet can tell you what your dog can take for allergies and any other problem. Animals can not take drugs prescribed for people it can kill them.
Please consult with your vet before you prescribed your own medicine for your dog. Last time I checked, the vet doesn't charge for a phone call :). Some human medication will severely hurt your dog, or you can overdose your dog if you don't know how to properly dose the medicine.

You can give your dog Benadryl, though. The rule is 1mg per pound of body weight. In other words, if your dog weighs 25 pounds, he can have a 25 mg capsule. PLEASE STILL CONSULT WITH YOUR VET BEFORE YOU DO THIS THOUGH!!
Please don't risk your dog's health by taking the advice of someone on here. The chances that you get a vet. to respond are slim. Even if they say they are - you have no validation. Call your vet. If you don't have one - call a Vet. hospital or clinic. They will most likely want to see your dog - to evaluate him/her before deciding. But, isn't your friend's health worth it?
My vet has told me to give my dogs benedryl for their allergies. Once in awhile I'll have to take one of them in for an allergy shot or pills, but the vet's ok with the benedryl if it's working. Thank God the allergy season is almost over! (Here in Ohio)
DO NOT give your pet over the counter meds meant for humans! Their systems are lot different and don't respond the same way. PLEASE check with your vet and ask for a prescription from them after a check up. Peace!

No claritin, but you can give them some Benadryl in emergencies. I can't remember the dosage per weight, though. I'd suggest calling your vet and asking what they would recommend.

My dog has bad allergies, and whenever she gets bad, we give her 1-2 pills. 2 is only if we really need to like, knock her out though. And she's around 55 pounds, so keep that in consideration.
The biggest difference between human medications and ones made specifically for dogs is the doseage (and I know this because this is what we are discussing right now--I'm studying animal medicine).

Anyway! My vet suggested Benedryl too. My dog is 80 lbs and he said one every 4 to 6 hours for her. I wouldn't do the Claritin, mainly because the ingredients between it and Benedryl are different.

But my fore-most suggestion would be to find out what is causing the dog's allergies and then try to remove that from the environment. Most store-bought dog foods contain wheat, which most dogs have allergies too. So I'd double check the food and even switch to something else before drugging the dog.

Definately discuss all possible options with the vet first!
I don't know about claritin specifically, but I know you could give them benadryl. You might want to check with your vet first though. I'm unsure of the doses, it goes according to weight. Also, places like Pet Smart and PetCo carry all types of products for pets with allergies.
Someone mentioned that they can take Benadryl, and said "two tablets for a 100-lb dog" - but that's still very vague, as Benadryl comes in several different dosages. The pills we use for my dog are 25mg pills. She weighs 35 lbs and gets one pill. We put it in a ball of peanut butter, about a teaspoon, which is her favorite treat. It makes her sleepy, just like it would for a human. (Over-the-counter sleep aids are almost always antihistamines!)

Smaller dogs may need a smaller dose. Dosage information is widely available online: do a search, or ask your vet. We give our dog this medication because our vet told us it was OK.

Benadryl is Diphenhydramine HCl. Claritin is not the same substance as Benadryl, and cannot be used interchangably. Don't give it to your dog unless a vet has told you it's OK.
No. In a pinch, benadryl would work, but you need to consult a vet anyways(!!) on dosing. Why risk it?