Wednesday, July 29, 2009

B.A.R.F. barf raw food diet for dogs?

Of those who feed a BARF diet, what exactly do you feed them.?
I'm interested in examples of actual diets you give your dog.

I have friends that have their dogs on raw, but where I live they don't have the meal packages or they're way too expensive. So we are going to have to do this from scratch. (the veg and fruit part)

I'm not interested in somebody telling me about possibilities of salmonella poisoning, blah blah blah. Go to your local dog food factory and see how much salmonella you can find in the factory. And while you're there ask why most of the food they make is not even absorbed or capable of being absorbed by the dog's system - it's filler and most is bad filler. It's sickening! I've done my research, and I have made up my mind. I've seen results and heard of results.. dogs on their death bed switched to raw and turning 360s. Less vet visits, doctors asking what the flip the people have their dog on because they seem so healthy, etc.
Go to which has some good instructions. Ours were on a raw diet for some months and did great on it. It is a lot of maintenance and we decided to go back to a good commercial food because of travel and where we live.
B.A.R.F? Sounds so appetizing! Hmmm.
The major part of my dog and cats' diet is from poultry, it is easy to locate at stores, ground turkey is easy to make prepared raw meals out of and is about the same price as better dog foods.
I've never had any of my dogs on B.A.R.F. diet, but I've been researching Copper Toxicosis (most dry foods are high in copper) which affects the liver.

I may very well be considering raw diet here very soon. Glad I found your question, I will be watch for interesting answers from those that use raw diets for their dog.

I did read that cottage cheese and yogurt are a great addition to a B.A.R.F. diet.
this is not an answer to your question, but rather something to think about. i've fed raw to my dogs off and on for about 3 yrs. some raw advocates would have you believe it is an answer to all health problems in dogs. unfortunately raw has its share of problems just as commerical kibbles do. most important about feeding raw is knowing the source of the meat and veggies that you feed. nearly every commercially produced meat is exposed to vaccines that are not approved for dogs and growth hormones to expedite profits by getting butcher animals up to weight faster. fresh vegetables, unless you raise them yourself, are probably riddled with pesticides and preservatives. the people who sing the praises of BARF diet would have you believe that raw is always better than kibble. infact, raw and kibble share many of the same problems. unless we know the source, there is no telling how many chemicals, preservatives, hormones etc are in the foods we feed our pets. (and our families for that matter)

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