Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Basset Hound Help!!?

I just got a 9 week old Basset Hound and he has this foul odor to him. My girlfriend and I thought it was just his coat, so we gave him a bath. But he still had the odor, then we figured out it was his ears. Inside them its dirty and smells gross. Does this breed have dirty inside ears often? Can I buy something at petsmart to clean them? I really don't know much about this breed in general. Please help me and my smelly dirty ear'd dog!
You know how basset hounds have really big and long ears? Well, they get so dirty because of that. You can try to clean them by using baby oil, or a mineral oil of some sort. Squirt in about 5ish drops and rub the base of the ear. Then use tissue and wipe it out. Wipe all the dirt and grosseness away. Your vet will tell you that you have to clean a basset hounds ears quite often. It's gross and they smell bad, but if you keep them clean, there isn't a strong smell.
Take him to the vet, he may have ear mites, or even an ear infection. He will tell you what's wrong and what to clean them with.
Basset Hounds usually do have ear problems. There ears usually keep things out but when stuff gets in there its hard to get it out.
What I do to my Basset Hound is train her to clean her own ears. If she doesn't I threaten her that I'll cut off her ears. She really listens to me and cleans them daily. Good Basset Hound! Clean yo ears, or I'll slice um off ** (dog term)!!
is it a sourdough smell? If so I know exactly what your going through. Yes clean them yourself. And if the smell comes back or the dirty inside gathers agian, then take him to the vet.
He's just a baby..Play it safe..Go to the Vet.
If it is just dirt okay..If it is just ear mites, Okay..
Not really anything big..Don't worry.
But make sure what it is , before you go muckin about.
You don't want to make it worse.
Bassets often have problems with their ears..
Gees, just look at them.It's like swimmers ear.
just stays a little too wet and gets stinky.
Good Luck.Let us know how it goes.
Since you have NO IDEA *WHAT* is CAUSING the problem-mites,infection,YEAST?. you MUST VET it *%26* use the CORRECT treatment !

DO NOT waste time %26 MONEY %26 HURT your pup w/ANY "OTC" *CRAP*!
Your pup likely has a yeast infection. You will need either Tresaderm or Genotic B from your vet to treat the problem.
Bassets and all dogs who have ears that fold over are prone to yeast infections in the ear. The area stays moist and warm without any air getting in there to dry it out so its the perfect environment for yeast to thrive. Your vet will also advise you to clean the ears 2-3 times a week to help prevent this. It is also something you will have to do for the life of the dog.
Good Luck.
It could simply be a yeast infection, or it could be a full-blown bacterial infection. Either way the puppy should see a vet. And if you "just" bought the dog, the person who sold it to you in that condition should pay for it.

That said, Basset Hound ears are high-maintenance and need to be checked and cleaned regularly. Basset Hounds also often have a "houndy" odor, even if their ears are clean.


  1. It sounds like the breeder has been very neglectful because puppies always smell lovely and clean!

    Your vet will clean pup's ears and give a dose of something that will kill the ear mites and worms etc and I expect the other pups in the litter are suffering the same.

    I've had Bassets all my life and once healthy, and kept clean they don't need to have ear infections. Long ears can get warm so get moist where germs can breed so if you clean them, let pup lie on the floor and pull her ear flaps back so that ears dry out.

    Another thing with Bassets is that you have to trim their nails often because they grow big and strong and can turn their feet inwards or outwards if left to grow long. Road/pavement walking keeps them short but grass walking doesn't so you're best to start clipping now, but just tiny amounts at a time and by the time they're adult, they're used to having it done.

    be careful not to clip them too far back because if you hit the pink bit of 'quick' the claw will bleed. If that happens, stuff some cornstarch or flour in it to absorb blood and it should soon stop.

    Look on the internet for help or dog forums.

  2. Before getting a Basset Hound for the first time you should do reasearch because hounds are different to 'dogs'. My breeder would always be very wary of someone who hasn't researched the breed.

    They get very heavy as adults and my two are 70lbs and you have to be VERY CAREFUL when lifting a Basset and have to scoop them up like a rugby ball as long as they are not too big and make sure you hold them evenly and don't let children try and lift them by their legs because they're easily damaged.

    You should never take a Basset for long walks until it's about 9/10 mths old, or better still a year old because they can have leg problems as their joints and legs have 'plates' that are layered and take a year to fuse together properly.

    Enjoy your pup because bassets are the best dogs in the world!
